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今天, 许多护士都在寻找机会扩大他们的技能,并通过进一步的教育产生更大的影响. 

One popular option is the 护理实践博士 (DNP) degree, which is increasingly seen as the gold standard for advanced practice nurses. 事实上, 包括美国护理学院协会(AACN)和全国执业护士学院组织在内的组织正在努力在2025年之前将DNP作为执业护士的必要准备. 

Depending on your prior experience and qualifications, it usually takes two to four years to earn a DNP.  But what factors impact that timeline, and who is eligible to enroll in a DNP program?


A DNP is a terminal practical degree for nurses. As a doctoral degree, it falls at the same level as a Ph.D. 在护理. 当Ph值.D. 项目侧重于进行研究, DNP programs focus on applying research to deliver evidence-based care, assess healthcare delivery systems and improve quality and patient outcomes. 

DNP项目提供了一系列重点领域,为毕业生在诊所内外担任领导角色做好准备, ranging from nurse practitioner to hospital executive. 

Can You Go from a BSN to a DNP Without a Master’s?

While interest in DNP programs is growing fast, 许多人认为,在进入DNP项目之前,你需要获得护理科学硕士(MSN)学位. 然而,事实并非如此. 今天, AACN报告 294u.S. 学校提供BSN到DNP课程,专为持有护理学学士学位(BSN)但没有硕士学位的注册护士设计, and most DNPs now earn their degrees in this way. 

通常, 这些课程包括先决课程,以确保学生在进入更高级的学习之前掌握所需的基础知识. 然而, 即使有那些额外的课程, BSN到DNP的路径比完成MSN后再完成DNP更精简、更快. 

例如,在十大正规赌博平台大全排行BSN到DNP students only need to take two bridge courses, 这些课程大约需要8个月才能完成,费用只是硕士课程的一小部分, before they move on to the primary DNP curriculum. 这意味着选择这条路的学生可以节省一年或更长时间的学习时间,节省数千甚至数万美元. 

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What Do You Learn in a BSN到DNP 程序?


在所有BSN到DNP程序, 您将学习分析和评估医疗保健系统和流程,并应用最新的研究来提高质量, 安全性和患者预后. 您还将学习如何创建, 培养和管理有效的医疗保健服务团队,并使用数据做出明智的决策. 

除了这些技术知识之外, DNP programs are also an excellent way to build soft skills like communication, ethical decision-making and critical thinking, all of which will serve you well in any leadership role. 

In addition to the core DNP curriculum, BSN到DNP的临床课程还提供专业课程和临床机会,帮助您为执照考试做好准备. These pathways prepare you to work as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN), 比如护士从业人员, certified nurse midwife or certified registered nurse anesthetist. 

What Tracks Are Available in a BSN到DNP 程序?


While specific tracks vary from school to school, common offerings include: 

领导跟踪 为学生担任医疗保健主管或医院领导或卫生信息学或政策方面的职位做好准备. 

With a chronic shortage of healthcare professionals in the United States, 护士教育工作者总是供不应求. 这些课程为护士在诊所或学术环境中培训其他护士做好准备. 

护士执业跟踪准备护士在高级实践角色的工作,同时也发展他们的医疗保健服务和质量最佳实践的知识. NP tracks are often broken down by area of specialty and may include: 

希望成为注册护士麻醉师(crna)的学生必须完成护士麻醉DNP或护理麻醉实践博士(DNAP)课程,并通过执照考试. crna是一种高级执业护士,在临床环境中管理麻醉和相关治疗. 

护士助产DNP计划是一个流行的途径,护士寻求执照作为认证护士助产士, 一种提供性和生殖保健的高级执业护士,重点是怀孕和分娩. 

临床护理专家(CNS) DNP计划培训护士在高度专业化的团队中工作. CNS roles require additional licensure. dnp的重点领域包括:

  • 成人-老年重症监护
  • 成人-老年急症护理
  • 小儿重症监护
  • 新生儿
  • 肿瘤学
  • 妇女的健康

How Long Does a BSN到DNP 程序 Take?

The time it takes to complete a BSN到DNP program will depend on several factors, 包括你选择的学校, the track you pursue and whether you study full or part-time. 

You can complete 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s BSN到DNP program in three to four years, depending on whether you pursue the leadership track or a nurse practitioner track. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 所有DNP学生所需的大部分实习时间和学术项目都整合到您的课程中. That saves you time, streamlines your degree process and helps you graduate faster.

如果你已经完成了研究生水平的护理课程或临床时间,你可能会更快地完成你的DNP. 然而, since transfer policies vary between schools, 接触你感兴趣的项目,了解他们的需求是明智的. 

Most DNP students balance their studies with work and personal responsibilities, but it’s important to ensure that you’re prepared for the time commitment involved. Look for programs that offer flexible scheduling and online or hybrid coursework, like 十大正规赌博平台大全排行100%在线BSN到DNP,以使这种平衡更易于管理. 


选择参加BSN到DNP计划是一个高度个人的决定,由你的职业目标和个人情况驱动. 也就是说, 如果你想在你的组织或更广泛的护理专业中成为领导者, a DNP can help apply the latest research to create lasting change. 

“理想的DNP学生对质量改进和使用证据来解决实践中的差距感兴趣, 政策, 或流程,黛比·康纳说, Ph.D.十大正规赌博平台大全排行护理实践博士项目主席,MSN, ANP/FNP-BC, FAANP. 如果这描述了你, 博士学位既可以扩展你的专业工具箱,也可以为你从事有影响力的工作提供新的机会. 


十大正规赌博平台大全排行的BSN到DNP计划对持有有效执照和认可机构的BSN学位的护士开放. 通过领导轨道建立你的管理技能或追求执照作为护士执业与轨道集中在成人-老年学初级保健, family practice and psychiatry and mental health. 

一年有两个开始日期, 一个灵活的在线格式和实习和学术项目的机会嵌入类, you can start – and finish – your DNP sooner at Franklin.

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